Participatory approaches in adult civic education: new practices based on lessons learned (2022)

Nieuwboer, C., PhD. Professor Youth Family & Society, Avans University of Applied Science,

Rood, Rogier van ‘t., PhD. International consultant on educational improvements, Vantrood Educational Services

In this article in Der Pädagogische Blick the main principles, a good practice and a new guidebook are introduced (fall, 2022).


The design of civic education programs in Europe has been subject to many influences, not in the least political ones. Integration policies have become more strict and conditional over the course of two decennia (Goodman, 2015), despite several recommendations and resolutions made by The Council of Europe to develop inclusive practices (Council of Europe, 2022).  Public and media discourses provide a problematic view on migrants and integration (Goodman & Kirkwood, 2019), leaving vulnerable groups stigmatized as unwilling and consequently underserved. However, from a pedagogical point of view, underprivileged groups in society need specific attention and support in their efforts to participate in a new society. Educational courses that exist to support migrants in their efforts to participate in a host society should be properly designed with pedagogical expertise. A participatory lifespan approach has been developed and practiced for the last twenty years and is now available in a practical handbook and workbook in the Netherlands.


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