Note that the most recent list of publications can be accessed through ResearchGate.

  • Over 60 articles (essays, interviews, etc.) in various Dutch periodicals (NIO-Kroniek, Overzicht, VU-Magazine, Internationale Samenwerking, Wetenschapsbeleid, Uitleg, Didactief & School, Trouw, Comenius, Docentengids VO-Samson/Tjeenk Willink, etc.), on development, education, empowerment, culture and gender
  • Contributions to various reports, surveys and policy documents.
  • Adult education, basic skills, culture, development and education; CESO-paperback, The Hague: 1988
  • Populaire cultuur op de planken, theater, communicatie en Derde Wereld (Kees Epskamp and Rogier van ‘t Rood, eds.); CESO-paperback, The Hague: 1989 (in Dutch)
  • Van leesplank tot lesmodule; CESO-paperback, The Hague: 1990 (in Dutch)
  • Research report women, empowerment and literacy in developing countries; Vrouwenberaad Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Oegstgeest: 1990
  • Literacy in Mali; in: VENA Journal vol. 3, Leiden: 1992
  • Functional Literacy in Developing Countries; in: Attaining Functional Literacy, a cross-cultural perspective, from literacy research to action plans; UNESCO, Tilburg University, Netherlands’ National Committee for UNESCO, The Hague: 1993
  • The experience of provision of quality improvement (in co-operation with Jan Ooijens); in: Beyond Jomtien, implementing primary education for all; Angela Little, Wim Hoppers, Roy Gardner (eds.); The Macmillan Press Ltd, London: 1994
  • A School Is Not Just A Building …, Research on the rehabilitation of primary education in Soroti Catholic Diocese, Uganda; research report, INTENSE, Leiden / CEBEMO, Oegstgeest: 1994
  • Een Verrijkend Perspectief? Zelfredzaamheid via basiseducatie als een grondslag voor ontwikkeling (Ph.D thesis); Edu’Actief, Meppel: 1996 (in Dutch)
  • Empowerment through Basic Education, a foundation for development; CESO-paperback 26, Nuffic, The Hague: 1997 (English Ph.D edition, supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • Empowerment and Sustainable Development through Basic Education: good practices from Kenya and Uganda (survey); APS, Utrecht: 1998
  • Ivoorkust, Landenreeks (country study); KIT, Novib and NCOS: 1999 (in Dutch)
  • Taking Care of Living Together; Participatory approaches to Basic Education in the South and in the North, proceedings of the 1998 Sonnet conference (ed.), Sonnet and  SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut: 1999
  • Dutch education policies in developing countries; Commonwealth Journal (1999)
  • Monitoring participatory programmes in Basic Education – aiming for empowerment, in: Basic education for all: a global concern for quality, Lars-Erik Malmberg, Sven-Erik Hansén, Kay Heino (eds.), contribution to the 1999 Nasedec conference, Abo Akademi University, Vaasa: 2000
  • Effectiveness of Prepare, the Programme for Education on Peace and Reconciliation, APS, Utrecht: progress report 2002, final evaluation 2003
  • Retention Reconsidered: causes, consequences and remedies – proceedings of the APS-Sonnet conference of October 3 and 4, 2001, APS, Utrecht: 2003
  • Satellite Schools, an efficient and effective low cost alternative for primary schools in remote areas, Utrecht University, Utrecht: 2006
  • Advice on teacher training improvements, focus on capacity building and training needs; based on actual practices in EU member states, report for the Bulgarian MoE – World Bank: 2008
  • MDG’s and fragile educational systems, contribution to a CCCD conference (2008) and a Nedworc publication, Utrecht: 2009
  • Study for SIDA on Education and Prevention of Gender Based Violence: desk study + field visits in Uganda and Ethiopia; with dr. Lara Fergus: 2013
  • Towards coherent strategies in youth development (introducing the Youth Development Chain): draft, to be published in 2014.
  • Humanitarian Interventions and Education (in cooperation with the Humanitarian Academy at Harvard): 2014.
  • Learning Language that matters (2016). A pedagogical method to support migrant mothers without a formal education experience in their social integration in Western countries (open access). With Christa C. Nieuwboer, PhD: International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 51 (2016) 29 – 40
  • Position paper: civic integration reconsidered (2016). position-paper-on-social-integration-of-adult-migrant-learners_def
  • Position paper: inburgering heroverwogen (2016). position-paper-over-inburgering_def
  • Sociaal met taal – Inburgeren met waardevolle gesprekken. Christa Nieuwboer and Rogier van ’t Rood. Coutinho, Bussum: 2022. A participatory approach to integration of non-western immigrants: 
  • Participatory approaches in adult civic education: new practices based on lessons learned. With Christa C. Nieuwboer: Der pädagogische Blick – Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in pädagogischen Berufen 30. Jahrgang 2022 / Heft 2.
  • Participatory approaches in adult civic education: New practices based on lessons learned. Nieuwboer, C., & Rood, Rogier van`t. In: ISSBD Bulletin, Number 2 Serial No. 82, Supplement to International Journal of Behavioral Development Volume 46 Issue 6 November, 2022, pp. 7-9.