Training on Monitoring & Evaluation
The Monitoring & Evaluation training of both formal education and NFE-programmes or projects by Vantrood Educational Services is participatory, facilitated in a workshop format. The training starts with an inductive exposure to the Empowerment Triangle (ET), introducing a definition and an indicator for empowerment, and also the three main qualities of empowerment : Care, Responsibility and Safety (the hands, head and heart of empowerment). The ET will be used as an instrument for implementing the second part of the training.
The second and largest part of the training (also in workshop format) is based on good practices. These good practices are presented in a comprehensive way (logical framework) to the trainees. Based on these good practices they develop a comprehensive framework of objectives on all items relevant to the programme or project, assess implementation strategies and develop sound indicators (input, progress, output and impact indicators). The result is a qualitative monitoring structure (including quantitative elements), which not only identifies objectives, strategies and indicators but also responsibilities, time schedules, means and materials needed and ear marked budgets.
The third part of the training is dedicated to the development of a few self-evaluation tools, i.e. focus group interviews and questionnaires for stakeholders. Based on the outcomes of part two (emphasis on objectives and indicators), comprehensive questionnaire(s) for stakeholders are developed, including questions on facts, opinions and quantities, in order to measure programme impact. These questionnaires are easy to use and to analyze and (parts of them) can be used in all phases of the programme / project.
More background information about this approach can be made available on request.
Evaluation Approach
The evaluation method makes use of the Empowerment Triangle. Therefore the evaluation outcomes provide indications of the empowerment of the various stakeholders. Moreover, the evaluation outcomes provide a comprehensive analysis of the project activities, the project objectives, the educational methods and approaches implemented, and the assessment procedures, regarding all stakeholders.
The main tools for the evaluator are open interviews (focus group interviews and individual interviews) and observations. Another important evaluation tool is the Empowerment Triangle (ET).
The approach of the evaluator is participatory. This means that he tries to be as open and accountable as possible. The evaluator tries to act as a facilitator and moderator in the evaluation process, actively involving the stakeholders / key-players and beneficiaries or clients. All counterparts are explicitly invited to comment on his way of working and are asked to contribute where ever possible. Each provisional finding on each issue is shared with the responsible persons, in order to check that finding and to get the right picture.
In some cases the evaluator also asks for written contributions by the stakeholders. Furthermore, he asks for their comments on his provisional analysis, and for their contributions to the recommendations which are the result of these findings. Before starting the evaluation process he presents his approach and methodology for analysis to the stakeholders and invites them for commenting on it. Before winding up the final report it will be send to the counterparts for comments and improvements.
More information about the evaluation approach can be made available on request.