Assignments & Projects
- February – August 2025: North-Macedonia, independent assessment of the performance of the “EU Support for Education, Employment and Social Policy” and “EU for Inclusion” (European Commission – GFA)
- Completed (Oct 2022 – February 2024): Nepal, assessment of the performance of the overall EU-Nepal TVET-PP, and assessment of the situation concerning the sector policy and plan (European Commission – IBF)
- Completed (Oct 2022 – November 2024): Bonaire, capacity building and overall support to Bonaire’s Youth Policy 2021-2025 (European Commission – Conseil Santé)
- Completed (Dec 2021 – May 2022): Azerbaijan, final Evaluation of the ‘’Education Support Programme in Azerbaijan’’, focus on (T)VET, education quality and inclusion (European Commission – ANCE-Hellas)
- Completed (May – Nov 2021): Sub-Sahara Africa, Study on high-performing vocational Centres / schools in Sub-Sahara Africa (ETF – EPRD) – Due to corona by teleconferences
- Completed (Nov 2020 – Oct 2021): Lao PDR, Education Portfolio Evaluation of the Basic Education Support Programme, and the Support to the Education Sector Reform Programme (European Commission – EPRD) – Due to corona by teleconferences
- Completed (May – Nov 2020): Ghana, Mid Term Evaluation of the Ghana Employment and Social Protection Programme (GESP) on TVET: programme support for Employment and Labour Relations. Special focus on No-one-leaves-behind, gender equity incl. prevention of SRGBV, rights based approach, environment and climate (European Commission – EPRD) – Due to corona by teleconferences
- Completed (February – April 2020): Sierra Leone, Mid Term Evaluation of the “Support to the Education Sector in Sierra Leone” programme, for children to have equitable access to high quality learning: quality of teaching and learning, governance and management. Special focus on No-one-leaves-behind, gender equity incl. prevention of SRGBV, rights based approach (European Commission – Sici Dominus)
- Completed (2019 – 2021): Afghanistan, help desk function on Education, Skills development and Lifelong Learning in Afghanistan 2019-2021: to assist in providing counselling and expert advice to Sida’s Afghanistan Unit, for supporting Afghanistan with a focus on empowerment, education, employment, enterprise and economic integration (SIDA – Niras). Home based
- Completed (2019): Türkiye, monitoring mission plan: Higher Education for Syrians under Temporary Protection and disadvantaged host communities in Türkiye, and: Vocational Education and Training& Higher Education Programme for vulnerable Syrians and disadvantaged youth from host communities (European Commission – Ecorys).
- Completed (2019): South Africa, final evaluation of the “Building Partnerships For Economic Development”project (BAPED) in higher education, funded by Enabel (Belgium). Focus on the health, ICT and maritime sectors. Inclusion of disadvantaged students, esp. female (Enabel – COTA)
- Completed (2018 – 19): Supervision and support to reporting on the review of the “Skills for Youth Employment (SKYE)” project in Nigeria (European Commission – EPRD)
- Completed (2018): South Africa, development of training material and facilitation of capacity building workshops on leadership, ethics, conflict management, strategic direction, stakeholder management, and M&E, for Community Education and Training (CET) College Management, Governing Councils, and Student Representative Councils (SRCs) in various South African provinces. Based on constructivist competence based training and learning approaches – CBT: “21st century skills” / “entrepreneurial skills”, in cooperation with DHET (European Commission – AECOM)
- Completed (2017 – 2018): Indonesia – ASEAN, Mid-Term review of European Union Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN region: EU SHARE (European Commission – Lattanzio)
- Completed (2017): South Africa, Theory of Change based contributions to the design of the EU funded programme(s) on education and employability, focus on TVET, Primary Education and ECD (European Commission – HCL)
- Completed (2016 – 2017): Georgia, advice on the establishment of a European School in Tbilisi: educational, linguistic and pedagogical aspects (European Commission – Kantor)
- Completed (2016): Uzbekistan, final evaluation on expected impact of project on Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs in Uzbekistan: policy framework, capacity development, public awareness (European Commission – Proman)
- Completed (2015 – 2016): South Africa, final evaluation of the Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP), seven projects on sports, theatre, music and arts&crafts – technical and life skills for disadvantaged youth in townships: Soweto, Khayelitsha, and other (European Commission – EPRD)
- Completed (2016): North Macedonia, mapping and evaluation of programmes on equal access to quality education and advice for the future: integration and inclusion of ethnic minorities, people with special needs (European Commission – Proman)
- Completed (2015): Unesco, Evaluation of UNESCO’s Capacity Development for Education for All (CapEFA) Programme, focus on LDC’s: Uganda, Madagascar and Cambodia; teacher training, nonformal adult education and TVET (UNESCO – ICON)
- Completed (2015): Philippines, nonformal training of trainers on dealing with traumatised pupils in class, aftermath of political violence on Mindanao; see “Prepare” (Cordaid / Respect education)
- Completed (2015): Mauritius, development of activities and actions for the Tertiary Education Strategic Plan: on equity, quality, internationalisation, enhancing research & innovation, strengthening governance & financial sustainability, including development of a results oriented logframe (European Commission – Proman)
- Completed (2014): Burkina Faso, evaluation of a nonformal TVET project for disadvantaged girls (Stichting Kinderpostzegels, the Netherlands)
- Completed (2014): Belarus, evaluation of social inclusion sector in the Republic of Belarus and identification of potential areas of cooperation and assistance of the European Union to Belarus (European Commission – EPRD)
- Completed (2014): Nepal, identification of EU support to TVET-sector in Nepal (European Commission – HTSPE)
- Completed (2014): New Caledonia, final impact evaluation of EU-supported TVET programme – EDF 10: agriculture, mining, fisheries, automotive, industry, buildings and public works), special focus on inclusion of disadvantaged youth (European Commission – CUOA / ACE)
- Completed (2013/14): Contributions to developing effective and coherent strategies on humanitarian assistance, including the role of education and of programmes for trauma counselling – in cooperation with the Humanitarian Academy at Harvard
- Completed (2013): Burundi, contributions to the capitalisation of educational projects in Burundi, for Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC – KIT )
- Completed (2013): South Africa, evaluation of the SEEDS education project: mathematics and science, multi-grade rural education centre, schools as hubs of lifelong learning and HIV/AIDS peer education for youth (DGIS / NL Embassy)
- Completed (2013): Swaziland – Contribution to the development of the National Education and Training Improvement Programme (NETIP): development of a results framework for monitoring and evaluating the NETIP (European Commission – AESA)
- Completed (2012): Uganda – Ethiopia – Study on Education and Prevention of Gender Based Violence: desk study + field visits in Uganda and Ethiopia (SIDA – InDevelop)
- Completed (2012 – 2013): Swedish International Development Agency – contributions to the evaluation of educational projects / programmes in various countries (SIDA – SIPU);
- Completed (2012): Balkans – Evaluation on the development of Entrepreneurial Learning and Strengthening a Competitiveness Economy: VET in primary, secondary and higher education (SEECEL – EU);
- Completed (2012): Croatia – Feasibility study on the development of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning and Strengthening Competitiveness Economy (Entrepreneurial Learning): VET in education / labour market survey (SEECEL – EU)
- Completed (2011-2012): Midterm review of Sanpad phase 3 (South Africa – Netherlands research Programme on Alternatives in Development), on policy related multidisciplinary international research cooperation and research capacity building, between South African and Dutch universities: social and human sciences, natural sciences (Sanpad)
- Completed (2011 – 2013): Research cooperation with Themis on the development and implementation (test setting) of an improved and participatory integration approach for empowering disadvantaged non-Western minorities in EC countries, focus on empowerment / participation in society / language competences: Integrating Disadvantaged Ethnicities through Adult Learning (IDEAL) – in cooperation with Dutch, Danish and Swedish institutes (EACEA – Grundtvig: European Union):
- Completed (2012): support to the establishment of a higher education institute in Kabul – Afghanistan, focus on health, education, management and good governance (ACTD)
- Completed (2011): Hungary – Facilitation of a workshop on gender awareness in developmental projects, for international Dorcas staff (Dorcas International).
- Completed (2011): Burundi – Support to the development of an M&E system for strengthening primary school governance and accountability (SAGE-P programme), in cooperation with the MoE (Cambridge Education / DFID)
- Completed (2010): Ethiopia – midterm evaluation of the Integrated Women’s Empowerment Programme (IWEP), focus on adult education and entrepreneurial skills (DVV International)
- Completed (2010-2011): Armenia – providing institutional building support to the Ministry of Education and Science in continuing the process of modernization of the 12 VET colleges in order for them to become multifunctional regional VET centres in Armenia – multiple missions (European Commission / PMO-STTE).
- Completed (2010): Afghanistan – support to an educational evaluation (primary education) in Uruzgan province: supervision and training of Afghan evaluators, mainly by distance support and in Kabul; special focus on the position of girls (Save the Children).
- Completed (2010): North Macedonia – planning and implementation of a learning process on the achievements and experiences of projects on interethnic education and youth work in North Macedonia – with special attention to institutionalisation and replication (SIDA / InDevelop)
- Completed (2010): Study on “Youth and Social Inclusion in EC External Cooperation”. Includes investigation of good practices in Youth Chain activities: non-formal and formal education, business skills, attitudes and behaviour, TVET, etc.
- Completed (2009): South Africa and United Kingdom – final evaluation of the Technical and Business Education Initiative in South Africa (TABEISA) – promotion of entrepreneurial / vocational skills among disadvantaged youth in townships; an initiative of South African and UK universities (European Commission / ICON)
- Completed (2009): Guyana and Netherlands Antilles – Final evaluation support to the Netherlands Antilles Youth Development Programme (SNAYDP), under 9th EDF: inetgration of 16-24 years old youth (most deprived) into the social-economic fabric of the Netherlands Antilles: Curaçao, Bonaire, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius and Saba (European Commission / EPRD)
- Completed (2009): Brussels – evaluation of demand drive TVET requests (European Commission / Edburgh)
- Completed (2009): Vanuatu – evaluation of the education and training programme (European Commission / EPRD)
- Completed (2009 – 2011): Denmark – Support to an integration project for non-western immigrants, Themis approach
- Completed (Nov – Dec 2008): Swaziland – Midterm evaluation of the support to education and training project (Lot 9): early childhood, primary school quality, special needs education, TVET (European Commission / HTSPE)
- Completed (Nov 2008 onwards): Netherlands – Amsterdam, support to participation of tenants in urban renewal, Themis approach
- Completed (Sep – Oct 2008): Ethiopia, inventory of work and income opportunities for underprivileged urban youth in Addis Ababa, team leader (Cordaid)
- Completed (Sep – Feb 2009): Netherlands – evaluation of education sector policies in developing countries, researcher (Woord & Daad)
- Completed (May – July 2008): Namibia – Strengthening of service delivery through enhanced social accountability and school governance under 10th EDF, team leader (European Commission / HTSPE)
- Completed (June – July 2008): Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Niger – Base line survey for planning SNV sector choices / regional strategy in BASE (Basic Services: primary education, primary health care, drinking water & sanitation) and PIE (Production, Income and Employment: livestock, cotton, timber, oil seeds, fruits & vegetables, etc.), co-team leader (Berenschot / SNV)
- Completed (Jan/March 2008): Bulgaria – teacher development and career development project – (World Bank / Span Consultants)
- Completed (Oct/Nov 2007): Burkina Faso – evaluation of a basic education programme – NGO (Credo / Woord & Daad)
- Completed (August – September 2007): Lesotho – education sector analysis (Government of Lesotho / APS)
- Completed (May-July 2007): Netherlands and Uganda – survey of education sector policies in Dutch development cooperation (Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs / ETC)
- Completed (2007 – 2008): Netherlands – Implementation of Themis (integration approach) in municipality of Maastricht, the Netherlands (two projects)
- Completed (February/March 2007): Ghana – evaluation of a primary education programme, emphasis on HIV/Aids (Oxfam/Novib)
- Completed (February 2007): Somalia / Somaliland – participatory workshop on improving primary education projects (Oxfam/Novib)
- Completed (2006): Papua New Guinea – End of term evaluation of Lot 9 European Commission funded primary education / community based programme (PNG HRDP II), including expanding access to secondary levels (high schools, vocational education, etc.)
- Completed (2006): Mali – basic education sector mapping / fact finding (ICCO Alliance)
- Completed (2006): Netherlands Antilles – mid-term evaluation of improvements in vocational education, financed by the Dutch and Antillean Governments (NL Ministry of Kingdom Affairs)
- Completed (2005): India – participatory organisational assessment, for three NGO’s in different parts of the country (Novib/Oxfam NL)
- Completed (2005): France – M&E workshop on empowerment in education, for staff at UNESCO HQ in Paris (UNESCO)
- Completed (2004 – 2005): DRC – base line survey and advice on the introduction of Satellite Schools (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands)
- Completed (2002 – 2005): Netherlands – implementation in Dutch primary schools of the Programme for Education on Peace and Reconciliation – Prepare: training module for teachers on coping with trauma (in co-operation with APS)
- Completed (2001 – 2005): Netherlands – project leader of an experimental introduction in the Netherlands of participatory methods in adult basic education (Themis-project), aiming at empowerment and participation in society of the beneficiaries (non-western immigrants); includes curriculum development by using a participatory approach – project leader (Municipality of Leiden)
- Completed (1999 – 2004): editor of a data-base on basic education for empowerment (South North Network for Education Transfer, Sonnet)
- Completed (2004): North Macedonia – team leader evaluation of a civic education programme (APS – USAID/CRS)
- Completed (2004): team leader impact evaluation in six LDC-countries of Capacity Building for Education For All (Unesco / APS)
- Completed (2003-2004): Bulgaria – support to an education and peace project: development of a self evaluation and monitoring system (CRS).
- Completed (2002-2004): development of an evaluation system for primary education improvements in Bulgaria -teamleader (Worldbank. APS/Gopa)
- Completed (1999-2004): Uganda – contributions (teacher training, internal evaluation) to the improvement of primary teacher training (HOB-Nuffic, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in co-operation with APS and KYU)
- Completed (2003): Uganda – internal evaluation (output and impact) of improvements in primary teacher training: assessment of the teacher training curriculum, teacher and tutor professional profiles and the Educational Working Places for student teachers (KYU and APS)
- Completed (2003): Ethiopia – evaluation of Plan Nederland/Novib primary education projects – teamleader for Ethiopia (Plan NL / Novib-Oxfam)
- Completed (2003): Netherlands – support to the implementation of student centred approaches in higher education (Institute of Social Studies, The Hague)
- Completed (2003): Uganda – exposure visits to Uganda + PMES trainings for five Somali NGO’s on access for girls’ projects in primary education (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands)
- Completed (2003): Somalia – evaluation of a girls’ education primary school project – teamleader (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands)
- Completed (2002 – 2003): Somalia – support to a mid-term review of NGO’s + support to the development of an interactive website – teamleader (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands)
- Completed (2002): Ethiopia – support to the development of a pastoralist curriculum in Ogaden (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands)
- Completed (2000 – 2001): Netherlands – experimental development and implementation in the Netherlands of the Programme for Education on Peace and Reconciliation (Prepare – training module for teachers on coping with trauma) in primary schools with a large refugee population; this pilot included research on effectiveness (Netherlands Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, in co-operation with APS)
- Completed in 2001: Netherlands – organisation of a conference on retention in schools (APS, Utrecht)
- Completed in 2001: Mali – evaluation of an experimental primary school programme, and a non formal adult education / functional literacy programme, aiming at empowerment (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands)
- Completed in 2001: Burkina Faso – evaluation of a basic education programme (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands)
- Completed in 2001: Ghana – evaluation of a girls’ access to education programme (Novib/Oxfam Netherlands)
- Completed in 2000: Eastern Europe – staff training participatory monitoring & evaluation in nine countries in eastern Europe, aiming at peace education (CRS)
- Completed in 2000: North Macedonia – evaluation experimental multi-ethnic kindergartens, aiming at peace education (SCGM)
- 1999 – 2000: Czechia and Poland – evaluations Video Home Training Programmes (Matra-Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in co-operation with the University of Amsterdam)
- Various evaluations on basic education in Europe and in Africa (since 1993)
- Various workshops on adult basic education in Mali, Senegal and Uganda (since 1989)
- Educational research on basic education in Kenya, Mali and Uganda (1992 – 1996)
- Contributions to conferences and seminars in the Netherlands, Finland, France, Italy, Uganda and the UK (a.o. Unesco, Nasedec)
- Tutor of various student surveys in Burkina Faso, Kenya and Uganda
- Member of the board of Sonnet, the South North Network for Education Transfer (1995 – 2004)
- Member of the educational committee of the Netherlands National Commission for Unesco (1998 – 2002)
- Supervisor of the international Sonnet-conference on Basic Education and Empowerment in the South and in the North (September 1998), supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
- Facilitator/trainer educational improvement of community schools in the Netherlands (APS, 1997 – 1998)
- Facilitator/trainer educational improvement of academic staff at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS-The Hague, 1998)
- (1994) Uganda – Co-ordinator base line survey on the post-war rehabilitation of primary education in the Soroti District, Uganda (community participation included): Cebemo/ICCO: 1993/4
- Development of Prepare, the Programme for Education on Peace and Reconciliation, a teacher training programme for coping with trauma
- Development of the Empowerment Triangle, a participatory intervention strategy for educational improvement: teacher training, base line surveys, monitoring and evaluation
- Development of a participatory training module on monitoring and empowerment in education
- Various trainings and workshops on education in the Netherlands (pre- and in-service)
- Various lectures at Dutch universities
- Various publications on education
- Various advisory services (a.o. MHO, Sanpad)