IDEAL / Themis
Integrating disadvantaged ethnicities through adult learning: an international project aiming at the empowerment and active participation of disadvantaged, uneducated, non-western immigrant women.Many non-western immigrants, and especially women among them, live a life which is isolated from the mainstream culture. Common integration and language projects do not serve this population adequately, because they never learned to learn, and because of a lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, resulting in a passive attitude. Many of them also suffer from psycho-somatic illnesses. For coping with these problems, Themis developed and implemented (from 2002 onwards) a participatory approach which consequently takes the personal perceptions of the clients as the starting point for all learning activities. This Freirian and constructivist approach has been inspired by experienced and successful adult education programmes in non-western countries, and it has been adapted to western circumstances and conditions.
Further reading >> on the IDEAL website (English).
Further reading >> on the Themis website (Dutch/NL).
IDEAL has been a multilateral Grundtvig project under EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). IDEAL was partially funded by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency), and implemented between 2011 and 2013, with pilots in Copenhagen, The Hague and Malmö.