Programme for Education on Peace and Reconciliation (PREPARE):
Exposure to excessive violence can lead to trauma. This applies to children, who are the most vulnerable group in any society, as well as adults. Difficulties in learning and concentration are often obvious consequences of trauma. Certain behaviour in children such as silence and being withdrawn or, conversely, excessive aggression, can be traced to traumatic experiences. In the case of adult people addiction or aggression are usually expressions of trauma.
These people are especially vulnerable to becoming victims again, or even to becoming perpetrators of violence themselves. This can take the shape of addiction, self-mutilation, or abuse and criminality. Therefore, it is essential to identify and recognise trauma as early as possible.
For this reason a participatory training module was developed in order to train teachers and trainers of teachers (as well as social workers and therapists) to recognise and to cope with trauma in school: the Programme for Education on Peace and Reconciliation (PREPARE).
Further reading: The_Prepare_module
In 2015: Prepare trainings on Mindanao – Philippines, aftermath of political violence: 150 teachers and teacher trainers involved.